15 December 2008


In October students Students participated in an hour “drumming workshop” with Ayo Nelson Homiah. He is a rhythm and professional percussionist from Gambia, West Africa. Ayo grew up in London and has been living in Berlin, Germany for the past 20 years. He believes that drumming is the most fundamental group activity for celebrating success. Interactive drumming is a cutting edge psychological tool which can be used effectively in the school environment for stress release, team building and group bonding. Many cultures throughout the world have used the ageless forces of rhythm to affect change. Students practiced the fundamental skills of listening, cooperation, counting, following direction, moving to a beat and keeping time during these workshops.

Here's what it looked like:

26 November 2008

Interesting Orchestra Collection 2 - The Icicle Orchestra

Go to this page to see the Icicle Orchestra. Pioneering percussionist Terje Isungset plays instruments made from a 2,500 year old glacier; "the instruments belong to nature".

17 November 2008

Yo Yo Ma

Explore the music and ideas of Yo-Yo Ma with this video, and the podcast

"My Favorite Things" played by Yo-Yo Ma and Chris Botti, trumpet

Interesting Orchestra Collection 1: The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra

They are vegetables playing instruments?  Or they are musicians playing vegetables?
Read this story about this unusual group, and watch the video from YouTube:

The Orchestra's homepage is http://www.gemueseorchester.org, where you can hear excerpts from their two CDs
gemise:  ambiente verde excerpt (mp3)     letscho 74 excerpt (mp3)
automatecut1   cut2   cut3

02 October 2008

Year 3 makes waves!

Why would anyone throw out 5 meters of bubble wrap?

28 September 2008

The New York Philharmonic for Kids

We'd like to direct your attention to a great web site for kids - The New York Philharmonic for Kids. The site includes a Composer's Gallery, a Games Room (with a Minuet Mixer, Orchestration Station, Instrument Frenzy, Noterunner, etc.), Musician's Lounge, Instrument StoreRoom, among several other intriguing "rooms" - just like back stage at a concert hall!

There are also videos of orchestra members talking about their instruments. For example, here is the harpist talking to a young visitor:

You may enjoy 2 other videos in which Jon Deak and Bill Gordh from the New York Philharmonic lead kids through the composing process:

This video is on YouTube, so we can't see it in school.

This video is on YouTube, so we can't see it in school.

24 September 2008

Words for Year 3 - The Little Fish that Got Away


I have met fish down inside the net fish.
Wet fish, pet fish,
Big as you can get fish.
Fat fish, flat fish
Parrot fish and cat fish
But I’m the little one that got away.

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee
Can’t catch me in the deep blue sea
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee
They’ve all had their chips but me.

Jaw fish, craw fish, salmon fish and saw fish,
I’ve seen more fish than you saw before fish.
Old fish, cold fish,
Slippery to hold fish,
But I’m the little one that got away.

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee
Can’t catch me in the deep blue sea
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee
They’ve all had their chips but me.

Now they’re fried fish, barbequed and dried fish,
Baked and flaked fish,
Put into a pie dish,
Roasted, toasted,
Gobbled up inside fish,
But I’m the little one that got away.

photo: "Western clown anemonefish" by dachalan

09 September 2008


All students in Years 5 (from term 3) and 6 are involved in the Band Programme as part of their Performing Arts curriculum. Students will receive weekly tuition from our group of instrumental teachers. Tuition takes place during the Performing Arts lesson time. Lessons take place on Thursday afternoons. Lessons are 40 minutes long.

The Band Programme is used extensively in many international schools around the world and offers students opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and creative talents. Our scheme is part of the PYP programme at Campus des Nations. Children will take part in group lessons and ensemble work in order to gain experience of playing with other instrumentalists. The students will have the opportunity to choose one of the following instruments:

• Flute
• Clarinet
• Saxophone
• Trumpet
• Trombone

Parents are kindly requested to either hire or buy an instrument for their child to use in the Band Programme. Parents who have previously rented an instrument might now wish to discuss options with the instrumental teacher and their child and to consider either continuing the rental agreement or purchasing an instrument through Servette Music http://www.servette-music.ch. (Tel: 022 733 70 73) or another supplier.

The information pack from Servette Music can be found at this link. This is likely to be of more relevance to parents of new students or students who wish to change their choice of instrument. The contact person at Servette Music is Yves Imer.

We would be grateful if all parents could please arrange for their child's instrument to be hired or bought by the 4th week of term. It is obviously important that students have an instrument by this time.

Please ensure that those students who already have instruments bring them to school on this day, and that they are clearly labeled with their name and homeroom details. Children may keep their instruments in the classroom but should take them home to practice at the end of the day.

In addition to the Band Programme, you may wish to enroll your child in the ECA After School Programme in which individual instrumental tuition is available. Please use the link below for further information and registration.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further assistance regarding the Band Programme.

F Buttle
Performing Arts Teacher

photo: "Jazz Horn" by bobtravis