30 January 2009

String Ensemble

Listen to the first rehearsal of our new String Ensemble!

16 January 2009

Year 5 Unit of Inquiry: Art and Artists

We have used The Barbers's Shop by Edward Hopper (1882-1967) as a stimulus for our work in PA lessons.

photo from Artnet

12 January 2009

More about the Icicle Orchestra

In November we wrote about the Icicle Orchestra. Here's a slide show of musicians Terje Isungset and Arve Henriksenat in Lake Shikotsu, Hokkaido, Feb 2007, preparing and playing their ice instruments.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

We also found this picture of Terje Isungset "playing on a trumpetlike instrument made of ice at the official opening of the exhibition "Melting Ice - A Hot Topic" at The Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Tuesday, June 5,2007". (link)

Photo from AP Photo by ERLEND AAS

On this web page you can listen to sample of music from the new album, Hibernations, just released at the Ice Festival Gello, Norway. Here's 30 seconds from one of the tracks:

(If you like the ice music, you can buy his discs at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk, or online at Listen to Norway.)

This video at the Guardian newspaper's web site shows Terje Isungset playing his instruments, talking about making them out of 2500 year old ice, and excerpts from his concerts.

We have a lot of ice around us right now...can you make an ice instrument? How would you hold it? How would you keep it from melting? Can you imagine what kind of sound will it make before you play it?