02 February 2016

The Migration of the Clarinet

Did you know that when the first clarinet was first invented in Germany in the early 1700's, composers travelled great distances across Europe to hear this new instrument. Here is a short example of its migration to various European cities:

  • in 1730 the Italian composer, Vivaldi wrote music for the Clarinet

  • 1751 German composer, J. C. Bach introduced the clarinet to London. 

  • 1751 Haydn uses the clarinet for the first time in his "First Mass." 
  • By 1759 The clarinet was heard in St. Petersburg. 

  • 1764 Mozart hears the clarinet in London. 

  • By 1780 most orchestras included a pair of clarinetists in their membership. 

  • 1780 In England the clarinet was used in church bands.